– Communication –


Whatever the size of your company, you have probably defined a communication strategy and set up actions to improve your visual supports. It is the backbone of your structure. However, without communication actions, how to say …. you are invisible.

To communicate about your services or products to your potential customers, you have several possibilities: attend business meetings, participate in trade shows, build a website, meet suppliers and so on… What traces are left when you leave the place? Do you have clear and impactful visual documents? What do your acquaintances think? Are you sure you have raised their interest?
There are two possible options:

1/ you are just starting your company => you have to build your visual identity.
2/ your company has existed for some time => you want to give your visuals a facelift.

Depending on the convenience, you must pay a great attention to the quality of your media. You have many ideas but have neither the time nor the resources to implement them.

Close to your needs, I can offer you adapted solutions.

communication services

Your visuals lack punch?
Are you changing your visual identity?
Do you want to make an impression?
You are launching a new product?
Dou want quality documents?


Have you noticed how the quality of your writing can affect your brand image? How do you react when you read an article or resume filled with spelling mistakes? Doesn’t it bother you a little? It is important to spend time proofreading your materials to ensure they are error-free. It is your credibility that is at stake as well as your image. To learn more about this, click here.

I have noticed more and more mistakes during my readings; not only in books but also very often in articles on Internet. The French language is certainly full of subtleties but still, we should all master it since it is our mother tongue. Whatever your communication medium (institutional or commercial document, article in a specialized press review, web page, important speech …) your editorial content must be perfect.

Professional proofreadind

Professional proofreading is recommended before any new publication. The main objective is to act as a scanner for :

  • identify and correct all kinds of errors: typos, spelling mistakes, grammatical errors
  • detect inconsistencies such as misunderstandings, syntax problems or lack of punctuation
  • put words back in their place and enhance your content.

Document formatting

Your documents must look professional and reflect your visual identity (to learn more about this subject, click here). I suggest I gave them a neat finish while respecting your graphic charter.
This service includes the following steps :

  • global formatting by using tabs and stops and paragraph justification
  • page numbering
  • standardization of margins, headers and footers
  • definition of styles
  • creation of a table of contents
  • creation of a cover page.

Dispalying beautiful documents and writing relevant content helps to value your image and improve your visibility score.
If you agree with this, we should be able to work together.

cta communication