Identity of the service provider :
AB Web&Cie
Represented by Alexandra Baslé
Sole proprietorship, located in Izeaux 38140
Siret number: 514 606 714 00020
ARTICLE #1: Purpose
These General Terms and Conditions of Services (hereinafter referred to as “GTCS”) apply, without restriction or reservation, between AB Web&Cie and any individual or legal entity – VSE, SME or other company – settled in France (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”) for any purchase of paid services provided via the website “” (hereinafter also referred to as “Site”).
The purpose of the General Terms and Conditions of Services is to define the terms and conditions between the Site and the Customer, from the acceptance of the service to its completion, including payment.
The Parties hereby agree that these GTCS together with the Site’s Privacy Policy protect their relationship. These documents are accessible at all times on the Site.
The Site reserves the right to modify these General Terms of Service when necessary. They are applicable as soon as they are put back on line and cannot be applied to transactions concluded previously. The version of the GCS applicable at the time of purchase of the service is that in force on the Site at the date of acceptance of the quotation by the Customer.
Acceptance of the quotation by the Customer implies acceptance, without restriction or reservation, of these General Terms and Conditions of Service as well as our Privacy Policy (accessible by clicking here).
The Customer confirms the has read and understood these General Terms and Conditions of Services by checking the box on the quotation. AB Web&Cie will keep trace of it as proof of a contract between the two parties.
ARTICLE #2: Services
The services mentioned in these GTCS are those listed on the Site. When additional and specific services are requested by the Customer, AB Web&Cie will clearly mention them in the quotation.
The services described on the Site are only a part of what is possible in terms of administration, business, communication, translation, tenders and others.
ARTICLE #3: Tariffs
AB Web&Cie provides services in exchange for a rate set out in a quotation and accepted by the Customer. This rate of the service(s) is indicated in euros excluding tax (VAT not applicable according to article 293B of the French General Tax Code).
Upon completion of the service(s), AB Web&Cie will issue an invoice, which content will be identical in all respects to the content of the quotation, and forward it to the Customer by e-mail or by post (at the Customer’s discretion).
Travel expenses will be added to the cost of the service when it is provided on the Customer’s site. These travel expenses will be governed by the scale in force at the time the mission is carried out (to find out more).
The price will be firm and definitive once the quotation has been accepted and present GCS have been approved/signed by the Customer. Neither discounts nor rebates will be granted after the fact.
No discount will be granted by AB Web&Cie for early payment.
ARTICLE #4: Terms of delivery
4.1 Define the service and send a detailed quote
Once discussion has been held with the Customer to define his needs, AB Web&Cie will send a quotation which will include :
- the category of service (admin, business, translation…)
- details of the tasks to be carried out
- the number of hours or days required to complete the project
- deadline for completion
- final format (Word, Excel, PDF, USB key, etc.)
- reminder of customer’s requirements
- travel expenses in the event of on-site presence
- amount before tax
- emergency extra cost (if needed)
- chosen method of payment (check or bank transfer)
- due date
- contact details in case of a need for more information during completion.
4.2 Accept quotation
Once the quotation has been accepted, the Customer returns it to AB Web&Cie by e-mail, dated and signed without forgetting to check the “GTCS acceptance” box
AB Web&Cie will acknowledge receipt by phone or e-mail.
Reminder: Any order for services implies acceptance of these GTCS as well as the Privacy Policy and constitutes proof of the existence of a contract for the provision of services between the 2 parties.
4.3 Supplier’s obligations
AB Web&Cie will carry out the task(s) specified in the quotation, within the deadlines and specific conditions mentioned in the quotation.
To this end, AB Web&Cie will deploy all necessary means to complete the service and keep the Customer regularly informed of the progress. AB Web&Cie also undertakes to inform the Customer of any anomaly or problem that prevents or slows down the progress of the assignment.
AB Web&Cie undertakes to respect the deadline, except in cases of major impossibility.
4.3.1 Privact statement
AB Web&Cie undertakes to respect any privacy clause imposed by the Customer during and beyond the period of performance of the service.
In this respect, AB Web&Cie will not spread out any information, documents, data or concepts of which it may become aware during completion and beyond. AB Web&Cie, however, shall not be held liable for any disclosure if the elements disclosed were in the public domain at the date of disclosure, or if it already had knowledge of them prior to the date of signature of the present contract.
4.3.2 Subcontracting
AB Web&Cie will not subcontract the work entrusted to it by the Customer.
4.4 Delivery time
AB Web&Cie undertakes to carry out the service(s) within the time specified in the quotation.
This deadline is calculated taking into account office opening days and hours, i.e. Monday to Thursday from 8:30am to 6pm and Friday from 8:30am to 5pm.
If the service is deemed urgent, the deadline will be as short as possible, in order to meet the customer’s requirements.
4.5 Customer’s obligations
The Customer shall provide AB Web&Cie with all information that may contribute to the successful completion of the service described in the quotation. To this end, the Customer shall designate a second contact person to ensure dialogue during the various stages of the service.
In the event of inability to contact the Customer or any other designated person, AB Web&Cie reserves the right to suspend performance of the service until the problem has been resolved.
AB Web&Cie reserves the right to refuse any order from a Customer with whom there is a claim relating to non-payment of an invoice.
ARTICLE #5: Terms of payement
The invoice is to be paid in full eight days upon receipt by the Customer.
5.1 Payment methods
Invoices can either paid by cheque or bank transfer.
Cheque payment will be made payable to Alexandra Baslé and sent to the address shown on the invoice.
In case of bank transfer, you will receive a statement of account along with the invoice.
No matter the method, payment will be made in an 8-day delay upon receipt.
5.2 Payment default
Late payment will also result in the immediate payment of all sums owed to AB Web&Cie by the Customer.
In the event of non-payment on due time, AB Web&Cie reserves the right to suspend or cancel the supply of any other services in progress to the Customer.
AB Web&Cie expressly reserves ownership of the work in progress, whether confidential or not, until full payment of the invoice.
ARTICLE #6: Withdrawal and cancellation
The service order is firm and definitive once the quotation has been returned to AB Web&Cie, validated and signed by the Customer.
If, for any reason whatsoever, the Customer wishes to terminate the service contract, he/she will have 24 hours (working days) following acknowledgement of receipt by AB Web&Cie to notify AB Web&Cie by return e-mail, provided that the service has not yet begun.
ARTICLE #7: Responsabilities
AB Web&Cie guarantees the Customer with proper execution of its services, as defined in the offer and in accordance with the good practices it imposes upon itself: respect of the privacy clause, respect of deadline, transparency, rigor and commitment.
AB Web&Cie undertakes to take out professional liability insurance.
In the event of AB Web&Cie’s liability being incurred, AB Web&Cie’s guarantee will be limited to the amount (excluding VAT) set out in the quotation. However, AB Web&Cie shall not be held liable in the event that the Customer has provided information or documents that are not compliant or out of date for the purposes of the service.
In the absence of reservations or complaints made by the Customer within 24 hours of receipt of the work carried out by AB Web&Cie, the latter shall be deemed to conform to the order and to the requirements notified in the quotation, in terms of quantity and quality. No claim will be validly accepted if the Customer fails to meet this deadline.
Likewise, AB Web&Cie cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damage inherent in the use of the Internet network, in particular a break in service, external intrusion or the presence of computer viruses, occurring during the transmission of information or documents by electronic means.
ARTICLE #8 : “Force majeure”
The parties may not be held liable if the non-execution or delay in execution of their obligations results from a case of force majeure, as defined in article 1218 of the French Civil Code (to find out more).
The following constitute force majeure events for the parties: natural disasters, acts of public authority, embargoes, internal or national strikes, exceptional weather conditions preventing AB Web&Cie from visiting the customer’s site (when specified).
When the requested service is provided without travel, and none of these events prevents the service from being carried out, it will be completed within the allotted time.
An unforeseen event occurring at AB Web&Cie’s place of work, i.e. at home, may also constitute a case of force majeure: domestic accident, water damage or any other serious event requiring immediate intervention on the part of AB Web&Cie. In this case, the Customer will be informed of any delay in the performance of the service.
The suspension of obligations shall in no case be a cause of liability for non-performance of the obligation in question, nor lead to the payment of damages or penalties for delay.
ARTICLE #9: Personal data protection
As part of the performance of this Contract and/or browsing the Website, a certain amount of personal data relating to the Customer may be processed by AB Web&Cie, mainly for statistical purposes.
For further information on the processing of such data and the rights of Visitors and Customers to data concerning them, Visitors and Customers are invited to read the Privacy Policy carefully.
ARTICLE #10: Claims
In the event of a claim, please contact :
Conseil départemental d’accès au droit de l’Isère – Tribunal de grande instance de Grenoble Place Saint-André – 38026 GRENOBLE Tel: – Fax:
Maison de justice et du droit 25, avenue de Constantine – Immeuble le polynôme – 38000 GRENOBLE Tel: – Fax:
ARTICLE #11: Acceptance of these terms
These General Terms and Conditions of Service are expressly accepted by the Customer at the time he agreed with the quotation. The Customer declares that he/she is fully aware of them.
Read and approved, date: