– Privacy policy –

AB Web&Cie, micro-company located in Izeaux (38140), commits itself to protect the privacy of the people using its website and the confidentiality of the information provided.


The address of our site is: https://www.abwebandcie.fr
It is a site that offers administrative services to companies (VSEs, SMEs and others) in the following areas: administrative, business, communication and translation and others (to be defined over the achievements).

How we use you personal data

Personal data is information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. They are not taken into account in the statistical data that we collect when you visit our site, that is the role of cookies.
On the website of AB Web&Cie, you do not have the possibility to create a customer account.
In general, data processing is carried out on the basis of your consent in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a. of GDPR.
The GDPR is a European regulation that came into force on May 25, 2018, and aims to regulate the collection, storage, use and security of personal data. To know everything about this GDPR.

When you data can be used

The AB Web&Cie site offers the user the possibility to request additional information to the contact form on the contact page.

The personal data therefore collected are necessary so we can provide an answer to your request as soon as possible. These data includes: name, first name, name of your company, phone number, e-mail address and the reason for your request.
These data are also useful to establish a quotation, a contract, to carry out a satisfaction survey (if set up) or to quote examples of achievements (according to your agreement). When you fill in the contact form, (contact page) you are asked to agree with the use of your data for commercial purposes, by checking a box.

AB Web&Cie will be the only holder of these data and will record them in an excel file, of which it will have the exclusive property. These data will be preserved during one year then destroyed in the absence of commercial relations beyond that period.

AB Web&Cie forbids any disclosure of these data to third parties, considering that they are confidential.

How to exercise your rights on your data: access, rectification, opposition

You have, at any time and without limitation, a right of access to your data. You can ask to rectify, complete, update, delete and oppose their use by simple written request to: donnees@abwebandcie.fr

Cookie notice

Cookies are computer files stored on a server in the computer of the Internet user, they allow to collect his navigation data. Some are essential, others are only used to collect information on the Internet user in order to send him personalized advertising, adapted to his tastes and interests.
Cookies allow to collect a set of more or less numerous and sensitive information on a person, and which can contribute to reveal his life habits, his health, his political opinions, his sexual orientation, etc. (Sce: Cnil).

Regarding the navigation on its site, AB Web&Cie has chosen not to use this technology.

Comments and spam

Once the service(s) is (are) completed, AB Web&Cie gives its customers the possibility to leave a comment on its site. When you leave a comment on our site, the data entered in the comment form as well as your IP address and the user agent of your browser are collected to help us detect undesirable comments.

As such, the www.abwebandcie site uses the ANTISPAM BEE plugin that checks your comments and contact form submissions. ANTISPAM BEE runs a mill and compares them to a global database of junk mail to prevent the publication of malicious content.

In addition, if you leave a comment on our site, you may request to receive a file containing the personal data we have about you, including that which you have provided to us. You may also request the deletion of your personal data by writing to: donnees@abwebandcie.fr