– Administrative and business services –

Craftsmen, company managers, you are at the origin of my conversion. Since the beginning, I am convinced that I can help you. I have done some research on you and I know that sometimes you are overwhelmed by the amount of daily or monthly tasks. That is why I provide you with these administrative and business services which can be unlimited.


You may feel that your actions are not transferable to another person who is also unknown to you. Are you starting to feel frustration not being able to deal with many things at once?
Then consider my little structure as your spare wheel, your last remedy in certain circumstances (emergency, regular need, overload of activities, priorities etc. ….).

I bring you not only my working experience in small, medium and big sized companies but also the insurance of a conscientious spirit, of a reliable, rigorous person, concerned about your personal and professional health. I hope you will find in these administrative and business services lots of reasons to contact me.


The list of services offered below is not complete. It is established on the basis of my experiences and skills. Since the possibilities of cooperation are numerous, feel free to contact me for any specific and punctual help you would need.
Keep in mind that if you are not an expert in the administrative field, you can trust someone like me!

Are you facing an increase in activity?
You wish to delegate time-consuming tasks?
You have just settled in?
No time to devote to administrative hassles?


Are you looking for a particular skill?
Are you going through a period of high intensity?
You have to manage an emergency?
Difficulties in meeting certain deadlines?
A partnership to set up?


Whether you are just starting your business or not, you have probably planned to pursue an ambitious business strategy.
Doing business is probably the basis of your motivation to optimize your growth. But at what cost?

  • Work more => YES
  • Work better => YES
  • Leave some feathers => NO !

You are beginning to realize the enormous amount of work you need to do to grow. Do you have all the resources for this? Have you found all your collaborators? Competition is tough nowadays and forces you to be proactive. For all these reasons, I can be useful, in a short time. Your objective is to D E L E G A T E now!

Don’t wait to be underwater!